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Layout - Kommentare Layouts » Layout - Kommentare

ID 86 - Black Brush

Black Brush Designer: Senkrecht IT
Title: Black Brush
Date: 04.06.2008
Size: 84.57 KB
Bewertungen:  stars

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2 Kommentare Kommentare zu Black Brush

  • I really like the simplicity of this design, the strength of the black on white, and the edging on the paper. These things leave space for the message itself. Sometimes the eye-candy takes all the attention the word is lost. Thanks for the example. chiarafrancis:)

    chiarafrancis schrieb am 04.03.2009 um 09:56:52 Uhr
  • Vielleicht ein wenig zu dster. ;)

    twilight schrieb am 22.02.2009 um 18:53:58 Uhr

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