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  • ellahippyhoppy

    05.01.2008 um 22:36 Uhr

    hey! well i already did this in german but just felt like doing it again in my favorite language... well i only know english and german really good so ya... lol
    my name is lisa and i'm 17. i was an exchange student in utah, usa in the year 2006/07.. so thats why i know english... & photoshop! i took a multimedia class over there and was introduced to ps and i love it!
    so ya talk to me, english or german :)


  • -Name-User ist offline
    Mod of the night


    Registriert: 19.04.2007
    Beitraege: 688

    06.01.2008 um 12:52 Uhr

    Hello ellahippyhoppy!
    Welcome! I'm glad that some peple use this english part of the forums...
    Unfortunately the majority of the users here are Germans and so they only use the german part, but I hope that there will be some more english users in the future! ;)

  • ginieUser ist offline

    Registriert: 26.02.2008
    Beitraege: 44

    14.03.2008 um 23:39 Uhr


    I am ginie fron London, See you around


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