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dark green checkered patternForum » English » Off-Topic » dark green checkered pattern

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  • flofmrUser ist offline


    Registriert: 02.11.2007
    Beitraege: 18

    03.10.2008 um 13:15 Uhr

    dark green checkered pattern
    answer to Desidora request

    ( Google translation :
    huhu Your Patterns,
    I have discovered your patterns here and wanted to ask if you give me a dark green checkered pattern can make?
    Wanted to tinker with a Christmas card. ;-)
    LG, )

    I presume that you are refering to my latest Vichy patterns ( gingham ) .

    I just submit today a set of dark green gingham patterns , an a set of dark green Layer Styles aswell , so you have more choice .

    As usual here , all ressources have to be verified by the administrator first .
    You should see them within a week .

    If you want something else , please remember to be precise and give details , and post in the English Forum , IN ENGLISH PLEASE . .
    I cannot speak German and Google translation is not very accurate .
    I hope this is what you wanted .

    Cheers ,

    Der Beitrag wurde insgesamt 1 mal editiert, zuletzt 03.10.2008 um 13:16 Uhr ...
  • -Name-User ist offline
    Mod of the night


    Registriert: 19.04.2007
    Beitraege: 688

    12.10.2008 um 12:00 Uhr

    Hello flofmr!

    If you get another German-Message you can send it to me and I'll translate it for you :)

    Der Beitrag wurde insgesamt 1 mal editiert, zuletzt 21.11.2008 um 22:05 Uhr ...

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