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  • eleone_weasley

    04.10.2007 um 16:28 Uhr

    Hi all of you!!!
    Thanks to Name and Alice for the english forum, I think it's a great idea!

    My name is Eleone and I like web design. And I like this web very much. ^_^

  • -Name-User ist offline
    Mod of the night


    Registriert: 19.04.2007
    Beitraege: 688

    04.10.2007 um 17:13 Uhr

    Hi eleone! Nice to have you here!
    Currently we haven't much english users (you're the first! :D) - so please tell all your friends of this forum and make publicity, publicity and publicity! ;)

  • eleone_weasley

    05.10.2007 um 23:34 Uhr

    Yes! I'm going to publicize, because I like very much, not only the graphics or layouts, but also the web itself. :)

  • ginieUser ist offline

    Registriert: 26.02.2008
    Beitraege: 44

    14.03.2008 um 23:41 Uhr


    I am ginie fron London, See you around


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