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  • flofmrUser ist offline


    Registriert: 02.11.2007
    Beitraege: 18

    08.02.2008 um 17:30 Uhr

    English version

    I still work on the English version of Alice Grafixx when this will be done, I can not yet say with certainty . ( Google Translation )

    It means a lot of very hard work for you , Alice .

    These are very good news for me , and for anybody who cannot speak German .

    Moreover , that will bring this site a much wider audience

    Well , good luck ! :)

    Der Beitrag wurde insgesamt 1 mal editiert, zuletzt 08.02.2008 um 17:32 Uhr ...
  • -Name-User ist offline
    Mod of the night


    Registriert: 19.04.2007
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    08.02.2008 um 21:45 Uhr

    Of course it is a lot of work, but fortunately I could help her a lot (okay... I only translated the Terms Of Usage... 8| (in English of yourse, although I think that you would prefer an French version - but unfortunately my french-knowledge is not so good... although I have it in school, but that's my last year), but I think that's no problem, because I think that your english is quite well isn't it? ;))

    To the visitors: Perhaps it is hard to believe, but Alice Grafixx has already a very high number of forgein visitors! Only 38% come from german-speaking-countries! :o (And that's why I wonder, why there are so few people at the english forum o.O)

    P.S. Moved to 'News&Infos'

    Der Beitrag wurde insgesamt 1 mal editiert, zuletzt 09.02.2008 um 10:57 Uhr ...
  • ginieUser ist offline

    Registriert: 26.02.2008
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    28.02.2008 um 19:19 Uhr

    the site will be very good once all is done

  • -Name-User ist offline
    Mod of the night


    Registriert: 19.04.2007
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    30.03.2008 um 11:58 Uhr

    It's online! Not completely finished, but a beginning! Check it out today: en.Alice-Grafixx.de

    -> Found any mistakes? Contact Me!

  • ginieUser ist offline

    Registriert: 26.02.2008
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    01.04.2008 um 21:35 Uhr

    ok will do if i see anything wrong

  • -Name-User ist offline
    Mod of the night


    Registriert: 19.04.2007
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    14.04.2008 um 19:08 Uhr


    From now on the news will be also available in english! I will tranlsate them for you! :)

    Wish you all a nice day!

  • ginieUser ist offline

    Registriert: 26.02.2008
    Beitraege: 44

    17.05.2008 um 15:44 Uhr

    exellent thank you!

  • elliejonesUser ist offline

    Registriert: 09.07.2008
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    09.07.2008 um 23:00 Uhr

    wow that's awesome!!

    thanks loads!!

    my german sucks, so this really helps!

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