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Urbi et Orbi Galerie » Urbi et Orbi von flofmr

Urbi et Orbi

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  • hochgeladen am: 30.03.2013
  • Aufloesung: 1150 x 815 px
  • Favoriten: 0
  • Views: 3062

Urbi et Orbi

Urbi et Orbi (to the City and to the World)
is a papal address and Apostolic Blessing that is given to the City of Rome and to the entire world.

The blessing is given each Easter and Christmas from the central loggia of Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican,
by the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI at noontime.
Part of the urbi et orbi blessing is the remission of all temporal punishment due to sin through a plenary indulgence attached to the Papal blessing.

Painted in Corel Painter.
(and framed in Photoshop)


Tag - Schlagwort pope benedict xvi rome vatican blessing

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